Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Love Day

I'm planning to spend my Valentine's day this year with a few lovely people and John Lennon. 

Top 10 Most Lovely Moments Ever:

1) Night with you at the Poetry Club 

2) Kissing you while listening to Don't Stop Believing on a Friday night

3) Running all the way to your room and realizing that you weren't there because 
you had gone to visit me at the same time

4) Running across the park in the rain to see you 

5) Staying with you in the crack hotel in Chicago 

6) Standing in the middle of a fountain with you when it decided to go off

7) Skipping rocks with you at the beach 

8) Skinny dipping in your pool and camping in your club house 

9) Laying around and listening to music with you

10) Going to the old theatre with you ten minutes late for almost every show

What are your most lovely moments? Think about it ...

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